Some lady I know used to sing "A dream is a wish your heart makes" No words could be more true I feel a sort of Alladin with a lam...
Books Fever
I could renounce to shop clothes shoes make up griffed bags But I really can't stop buying books Discovering new books makes me happy l...
Ticking and Toile giveaway winner
{skona hem} The winner to my giveaway is La vincitrice del giveaway è #8 MARINA Wow congratulations! Write me your address Congratulazioni S...
Some days are harder than others
Some days are really hard more than others I need to put myself in standby for some days I have many mails that need to be answered and thin...
{Giveaway} Ticking and Toile
My friend Shellagh some months ago opened her wonderful linen shoppe where she sells her unique pillows and chairs slipcover and some beddi...
Professione home stager
Se non avete ancora sentito parlare di home staging preparatevi a farlo perchè se ne parlerà molto in futuro If you still haven't heard ...
Serendipity: fortunate and unexpected discoveries
Voi ci credete nei "segni"? Quella combinazione di fattori che sembrano spingervi verso una destinazione Quelle coincidenze che g...
Harlequin - New collection 2011
The right wall colors The right wallpaper The right fabric matches I colori giusti per le pareti La carta da parati giusta Gli abbinamenti d...